Found 8 software entries in Misc from category: For Unix

Mini vMac for Raspberry Pi / Retropie

Mini vMac for Raspberry Pi / Retropie (2018)
(Modified on 2019-07-27 14:20:13)

Below are 2 up to date (as of this writing; 36.04) Mini vMac binaries to replace the one that ships with Retropie 4.5 (current version as of writing this). The first binary replaces the B&W Mac Plus emulator (v3.3.3 from 2013) which in my...


dmg2img (2007)
(Added on 2024-09-22 22:55:22)

DMG2IMG is a tool which allows converting Apple compressed dmg  archives to standard (hfsplus) image disk files. This tool handles zlib and bzip2 compressed dmg images.

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