Found 5 software entries
beginning with: "M"
from category: Reference
Microsoft Wine Guide
Year: 1996
(Modified on 2024-12-10 08:44:45)
MacBEAT HyperCard Catalog #4
Year: 1992
(Modified on 2024-12-06 15:18:08)
Macintosh DA-15 to VGA DE-15 video adapters
Year: 1991
(Modified on 2024-08-29 14:28:32)
These are adapters to convert the video signal from your old Macintosh to a suitable output for a more modern VGA monitor. Both standard VGA and Macintosh video are D-subminiature connectors with 15 pins, and both are commonly called DB-15, ...
Miscellaneous Apple Schematics
Year: 1984
(Modified on 2020-10-03 10:37:40)
Multimedia Audubon's Mammals
Year: 1990
(Modified on 2020-03-15 08:01:21)
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