Found 8 software entries
beginning with: "M"
from category: For Windows
Mini vMac Mac Plus version (Ready to go on Windows)
This is the Mac Plus (128KB v3 ROM) Mini vMac version 36.04 (2018). Comes with Mac Plus v3 ROM + System 6.0.8. From See also: 128K/512K (64KB ROM) Mini vMac
MacOS Desktop Patterns/Pictures
Mac destop pictures/tiles from classic OS'S in PNG format for any modern OS See also: Additional Mac OS desktop patterns and pictures
Mini vMac (Ready to Go on Linux & Windows) w/ System 7.5.5, MacII ROM
Hi Guys, I made a ready to go disk for you, with some software to start with and some games. All software I installed on the disk is from MR. I did this because I was tired of finding the right unstuff software, so I installed SheepShaver...
Microsoft Visual C++ 4.0 Cross-Development Edition for Macintosh
Learn one tool set, increase your user base, and knock months off your development time. With this Visual C++ add-on toolset, you can use up to 90 percent of the code from your Windows-based application to create the same application for the...
MacOpener 2.0 (for Windows)
A Windows app useful for reading Mac floppies, CDs or cartridges. Serial Number: 2358123-0404
MacDrive 98
Why, you may ask, is MacAddict reviewing a PC program? Because there is just no denying that Macs have to fit into the Windows world. Since the introduction of the 1.4MB SuperDrive on the Mac SE, Apple aficionados have been able to read PC disks,...
Mini vMac 128K/512K version (Ready to go on Windows)
This is the 128K/512K (64KB ROM) Mini vMac version 36.04 (2018). Comes with 512K ROM + System 1.1 but also contains the original 128K ROM + System 1.0 for fun. Just rename files in the "older" folder just like they are in the...
MacBinary for Windows
Little utilty to create MacBinary files / strip the MacBinary header. Version 2.0 (C) 1996-1999 Logiciels & Services DUHEM, Paris.

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