Found 53 software entries
beginning with: "I"
iDeneb 1.3 With 10.5.5 Leopard
iDeneb 1.3, i was making a hackintosh and found the software, i decided that it would be easier to find on here than on some shady website :) DISCLAIMER: This requires an EFI Boot lodaer, ill try to find iBoot, but please dont get mad,...
Ikthusian arts icons 2/2 (junk drawer, LaLaLand, MacMania, Munderful, retroish, the_nondescrips, whatever)
Ikthusian arts icons are sets made by Brian Brasher. See also: Ikthusian arts icons part 1/2 From the author: Thanks for taking the time to download what I hope you find a fun, friendly, non-caloric, and environmentally-friendly set if...
Inside Macintosh CD-ROM
Grouping of random sets of icons found on the SVMac CD # 4 of July 1995.
Icon sets by Iron Devil (Tomoyuki Miyano)
Icon sets by Hide Itoh
Ikthusian arts icons 1/2 (ALIVE, creativejuices, Dog's Life, edibles, geometria_noir/tech, huh, interfacials)
Ikthusian arts icons are sets made by Brian Brasher. The ALIVE set includes 26 colorful cartoon style icons and the creativejuices set includes 8. Dog's Life set contains 23 icons about everything a dog likes. Edibles set is 23...
Inside Macintosh
iOS Bondi icon set
Iconic Face - a NEW After Dark screensaver
Iconic Face is a NEW After Dark screen saver module. It was written using the After Dark screensaver SDK Version 3.0. Compiled using Symantec (Think) C 7.0 on OS9.0-SheepShaver. I'm running it using After Dark version...
Demo disk by computer graphics artists Matrix Advocates Co., PO Box 1238, Brick, NJ 08723.
Incident at Roswell
Images with Impact!
This is a collection of Adobe Illustrator 88 clip art files. Unlike the more common MacPaint format clip art of the time, each file contains only 1 illustration in vector format. They are mostly black and white outlines, though grayscale fills...
iATKOS S3 Version 2 (Snow Leopard)
Inside Macintosh 1992-1994
Inside Macintosh books in PDF format. The Inside Macintosh library of books is a complete technical reference to the system software provided for Macintosh computers by Apple Computer, Inc. You’ll need some or all of the Inside...
I Ching
The I Ching is an ancient taoist book of philosophy and divination. This electronic version of the Book of changes produces statistically correct results and should be consulted daily.
Inside Macintosh (Russian)
Переведенная на русский документация по программированию для Макинтош. Inside Macintosh translated into Russian.
iMac 1998 Intro Video
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