Found 26 software entries
beginning with: "D"
Developer Tools for Mac OS X 10.0
Mac OS X 10.0 Developer CD
Dinosaur Jr "Without a Sound" Interactive Disc
An "interactive" (meaning point-and-click) 3.5" floppy disc promoting Dinosaur Jr's 1994 release, "Without a Sound." It features short loops of the songs, "Feel the Pain," "Mind Glow," and "Outta...
Dynamic Graphics Charter Subscriber CD
Disk image wrap tutorial Mini vMac package
This package is just Mini vMac with a stripped down, bare minimum, System 7.5.3 OS, various decoding and mounting tools for various file formats and some empty floppy disk image files. For use with the "How to wrap loose old Mac files into a...
Date of Birth - La Lu La Roo
Full rip of CD-Enhanced part of music album La Lu La Roo by Japanese band Date of Birth (uses redbook audio, so you cannot hear copyrighted music on sheepshaver, for example)
Disk Icons vol. 1
5 colorful floppy disk and 5 zip disk icons.
Disk For Mini vMac With Lots Of Software
Bootable Mini vMac disk image, with tons of software (including the very rare "UploadFI" application which allows you to upload a file (not a disk image) into the emulator) AND just over 200 MB of free space!
Demoscene demos for Macintosh
DMG2IMG is a tool which allows converting Apple compressed dmg archives to standard (hfsplus) image disk files. This tool handles zlib and bzip2 compressed dmg images.
Dave's 3D Icons
17 3D folder icons by David B. Kleinberg
Dynamic Graphics Magazine Version B
Dark Forces FAQ
This is version 1.0 of the Mac Port of the Dark Forces FAQ by Karsten A. Loepelmann. In this version I did no modifications to the text except coloring PC only information magenta :P. In the future I might add buttons and stylized text but the...
Doom I/II and Ultimate Doom Source Code (Mac and DOS/PC)
Dennis Miller: That's Geek to Me
Before the kids and the mortgage and a job that requires a tie, there was Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update with Dennis Miller, the coolest newscaster to hit the airwaves in the 90s. In this title, Miller makes fun of technology in an...
Design Classics - The Apple Macintosh 1996 1983, a product called Mac XL — or Lisa — appeared on the market. It cost a good $10,000 in the United States and was supposed to ring in a new generation of computers. However, Lisa was destined to remain the failed predecessor...
An Amiga style demo. Contains rapid flashing colors.
Digital Type Design Guide (Companion CD)
da Vinci Graphics Series
A series of of illustrations that can be used by architects and interior designers, as well as by individuals who want to plan a room or an office layout, design a house, or landscape a yard. Each disk contains several hundred images that you can...
Desktop Consoles Pictures [DC] vol 1-5
This is Desktop Consoles volumes 1 thru 5 from 1997 to 1999, which consists of 115 wallpapers for your 640x480 or 800x600 Mac desktop! It worth noting that the author had all the pictures rendered at up to 1152x870 but this archive only includes...

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