Found 5 software entries in Misc beginning with: "A" from category: For Windows

Aladdin Expander

Aladdin Expander (1997)
(Modified on 2023-06-14 07:27:03)

Aladdin Expander is a Windows port of Stuffit Expander, a utility for extracting Mac .SIT files. This can be used to open .SIT files that contain floppy/CD-ROM disk images (.TOAST, .ISO .etc) that have been dumped on a Mac, these can be used to...

Aztec C / Aztec C68K

Aztec C / Aztec C68K (1984)
(Modified on 2023-08-03 20:04:39)

A software development system available as either a personal system (Aztec C68K-p) or a commercial system (Aztec C68K-c). A set of development utilities called the Aztec C68K Toolbox is also available. The Aztec C68K-p system consists of a full C...

AppleWorks 6 for Windows

AppleWorks 6 for Windows (2002)
(Modified on 2023-05-11 20:42:51)

The Appleworks 6 Suite for Windows includes 6 well known Applications: Word Processing Spreadsheet DataBase Drawing Painting Presentations [Top DL]: Updates to version 6.2.2 (US English) [2nd DL]: Full install set of AppleWorks...

ARDI Executor

ARDI Executor (1996)
(Modified on 2019-10-07 12:03:38)

ARDI Executor was a very rough 68K Mac emulator capable of running most of the System 6 and some System 7 software in the early 90's.  Executor does not require a ROM file and does not even boot a real Mac OS System Folder at all, unlike...

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