Found 7 software entries
beginning with: "U"
from category: Strategy
Uplink is a geek's game in which you incarnate a hacker that performs various internet-related hacking jobs.
UMS - The Universal Military Simulator
UFO: Alien Invasion
UFO: Alien Invasion is an open source game inspired by the X-COM series. It is the year 2084. You control a secret organization charged with defending Earth from a brutal alien enemy. Build up your bases, prepare your soldiers, and lead...
UMS II: Nations at War
Sequel to the original Universal Military Simulator of 1988, this release continues the game concept of its predecessor and allows the player total control of nearly every aspect of a battle. In the original program, three scenarios are...
UMS II Planet Editor
Uprising44: The Silent Shadows
UMS II Civil War Scenarios
A set of scenarios for the UMS II: Nations at War
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