Found 3 software entries in Games beginning with: "O" from category: Platform

Otto Matic

Otto Matic (2001)
(Modified on 2023-06-17 15:50:51)

Otto Matic sees you controlling a robot, tasked with saving humanity from an alien invasion. This 3D action platformer dons a 1960s sci-fi theme, boasting visually varied levels that blend third person shooting and rocket jumping together into a...

Open Sonic

Open Sonic (2009)
(Modified on 2023-04-27 09:30:31)

Open Sonic is an open-source game based on the "Sonic the Hedgehog" universe. It introduces a different style of gameplay called cooperative play, in which it's possible to control 3 characters simultaneously. Unlike most...

Oracle of Runes

Oracle of Runes (1996)
(Modified on 2023-12-08 19:00:07)

RUNES is a true brain twister for those who love solving logic puzzles. Marcus Flavius is a Roman scholar who has been sent by the Senate of Rome to discover the secret of the Oracle of Runes. To accomplish this, Marcus must solve each of the...

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