Found 5 software entries
from category: Visual Arts & Graphics
EA*Kids Art Center
With over 40 fun, colorful projects, EA*KIDS ART CENTER will spark your children's imagination and nurture their inner creativity. Accompanied by their favorite EA*KIDS characters, children can explore a wide range of engaging activities....
Aramatas Visual Wonderland Magic of Perspective
Museum Of Anything Goes if it was better Explore an artistic museum. Powered by Quicktime and Quicktime VR Aramata's Visual Wonderland (遠近術 : CD-ROMによる荒俣宏の奇想天外な遠近法)
Sinkha (aka Sinkha 0: First Encounter) tells the story of Hyleyn, a bold girl who lives in the mysterious city of Thalissar. This gigantic and gloomy agglomeration of howling metal, located on the hostile planet Ogon, proves to be of great...
Virtual Museum (大島洋写真展 幸運の町)
Japanese photographer Hiroshi Ooshima's photo book that translates to "Lucky Town", originally published 1987. Romanized title: "Ooshima Hiroshi, shashinten kouun no machi"
Manic Minefields
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