Found 3 software entries
beginning with: "B"
from category: HyperCard
Bomber is an exciting HyperCard-based game that makes excellent use of HyperCard's graphics and sound abilities. The sounds provide both background ambience and important information. The publisher sensibly includes a set of head-phones so that...
Bingo Caller
Bingo Caller is a HyperCard stack that lets everybody play bingo. Bingo Cards is included to generate Bingo Card sheets for your use. Great fun at parties!!! Apple's text to speech software is required. Macs like playing bingo, so there's...
Blah Blob!
Blah Blob! is a short platformer game made in HyperCard. You control the titular Blah Blob as you bounce through twenty levels of increasingly devious obstacles. Play the whole game straight through trying your best not to explode, or speedrun...
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