Found 5 software entries in Games beginning with: "L" from category: Game Compilations

Let's Pretend!

Let's Pretend! (1995)
(Modified on 2023-12-11 00:10:47)

International Flavor & Fun! Tour other countries and discovers a laugh-filled interactive playground in every land that your explore. Meet your friendly guide, Flash the Firefly™, in a treasure-filled attic where surprises and...

LucasArts Mac CD Game Pack

LucasArts Mac CD Game Pack (1992)
(Modified on 2023-12-07 20:18:22)

This was a collection of old Lucasarts titles which was OEM bundled with a lot of CD drives for Macs in the early nineties. It contains: The Secret of Monkey Island (v.1.0) Indiana Jones and The Last...

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