Found 63 software entries in Games beginning with: "D" from category: Early Childhood

Disney's Ariel's Story Studio

Disney's Ariel's Story Studio (1998)
(Modified on 2023-12-21 16:45:24)

Ariel, the charming little mermaid In Disney’s hit animated movie, becomes human once again Iri this interactive version of the story that made her famous. Ariel, Sebastian, and the disgustingly evil Ursula take turns reading aloud while kids...

Das Geheimnis der Burg

Das Geheimnis der Burg (1997)
(Added on 2018-03-07 19:07:25)

Hier kann man das Leben und Treiben auf einer mittelalterlichen Burg kennenlernen! Besonders spannendwird das, wenn man die Burg als Spion betritt, um einen Auftrag des Königs auszuführen. Einige Burgbewohner trifft man in interaktiven...

Disney Jessie's Wild West Rodeo

Disney Jessie's Wild West Rodeo (2001)
(Modified on 2023-10-06 20:37:10)

The game offers players age five and up a creative 3D experience that encourages them to explore the wild west with their favorite characters from Toy Story 2. Kids spring into action to play three rodeo events set up by the toys. Each activity is...

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