Found 12 software entries
beginning with: "N"
from category: Action
No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way
No One Lives Forever description from Wikipedia: It is the second game in the No One Lives Forever series, an official sequel to the 2000 game The Operative: No One Lives Forever. The story follows...
Nanosaur is a 3D, third-person shooter made by Pangea Software in which the player controls a sci-fi technology equipped dinosaur. This dinosaur has been sent back to the past, right before an asteroid strikes Earth and wipes out the...
Nort X
Nort is basically a lightcycles game for two people. Therefore what you do is ride a little motorbike (not a car), which leaves little trails, around a little arena, while your opponent does the same thing. The bikes are controlled by pressing...
Original description from PIXIS Interactive 'Hack into the NeuroNET, a forbidden world of dark mystery, danger and sensuality. Use your VidFone and OrbCam to obtain enough credits to interact with the sensual NEURODANCERs who roam the...
Nanosaur 2
Nanosaur 2 taken from an old Ibook G4, this shoud run in any OSX system but i only test in 10.4.11 on PowerMac G5 and 10.3.7 of Ibook. I only compress an upload, you shoud uncompress it and put in aplications folder then run. Sorry for my bad...
Next Power
Nuts and Bolts
Nuts And Bolts is a fast-paced collectathon platform game, in which you play a lovable little robot with the lofty mission of collecting spare parts, and chasing the high scores.
No Gravity (aka Space Girl)
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