Found 8 software entries
beginning with: "T"
from category: HyperCard
The Manhole (HyperCard)
Like Alice in Wonderland, you are a child jumping into a magical world filled with fantastical places and peculiar characters. The world can be navigated screen by screen, by clicking the mouse where you want to go. Many objects on each screen...
The Adventures of Sean
A simple point-and-click adventure made in HyperCard.
Test Game
It's a small test game run in HyperCard.
Tilt - A Game of Medieval Jousting
HyperCard game about a medieval joust tournament.
The Complete Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Trials of Achenar
The Manhole CD-ROM (1989 Activision release)
This is the original CD-ROM release of the Manhole (black and white version), published by Activision in 1989. It is identical to the 1988 floppy disk release except for the addition of a musical score, more sound effects and full audio voiceovers...
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