Found 6 software entries in Games beginning with: "J" from category: Point & Click

Jönssonligan: Jakten på Mjölner

Jönssonligan: Jakten på Mjölner (2000)
(Modified on 2023-06-25 19:23:27)

This is a point-and-click adventure game based on the Swedish film series Jönssonligan. The objective of the game is to find an archaeological find with Thor's hammer Mjolnir. The description of how to find it are available in four separate...

Just Grandma and Me

Just Grandma and Me (1991)
(Modified on 2023-12-09 23:46:07)

Once upon a time, Brøderbund Software took a popular $1.95 storybook, Just Grandma and Me, by Mercer Mayer, and transformed it into a $49.95 CD-ROM-based Living Book. So what do you and your three-to-eight-year-old get for the extra $48...

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