Found 128 software entries in Games beginning with: "J"

Jan Pienkowski's Haunted House

Jan Pienkowski's Haunted House (1995)
(Modified on 2023-09-29 15:51:25)

Jan Pienkowski Haunted House is an adaptation of the pop-up children's book of the same name by Jan Pienkowski. In this game for children of ages 4 to 8 they explore a haunted house that's filled with strange creatures and fun-filled...

JumpStart: Animal Adventures

JumpStart: Animal Adventures (2002)
(Modified on 2023-11-27 16:28:07)

Frankie, the Jump Start dog, announces registration for an Animal Habitat Contest, a magazine contest that requires you to travel all around the globe, photographing wildlife and learning about many different kinds of animals in their ecosystems....

JumpStart 2nd Grade

JumpStart 2nd Grade (1996)
(Modified on 2023-03-19 17:04:08)

When you're the second grade, mailing letters isn’t as simple as running to the post office. Here, when you get a card from your pen pal you have to win the stamps to mail your response. Kids can rack up postage by playing a variety of...

Jazz Jackrabbit 2

Jazz Jackrabbit 2 (1998)
(Modified on 2023-05-11 20:16:20)

Jazz is back from MS-DOS This is one of the best games you could honestly play on an old Mac. Think of Super Mario Brothers with a dash of Sonic and a taste of Contra, leaving you dying to use the level editor that's only on...

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