Found 4 software entries in Games from category: Patch - Update

NOCD & [K] patches archive

NOCD & [K] patches archive (2000)
(Modified on 2020-10-11 09:00:15)

This archive is meant to contain all known NO-CD and [K] patches for 68K and PowerPC Mac OS games and apps from the 1990's and early 2000's.  The archive also includes a few serials here and there.  Most of these files were...

Command & Conquer: Update 1.72

Command & Conquer: Update 1.72 (1998)
(Modified on 2023-08-26 19:50:56)

Application update for Mac C&C 1.72 and 1.71, released free by Westwood c. 1998. Also provided is a FAQ text file released around the same time that answered common questions regarding Mac C&C and Westwood Online (as...

Sierra Patch

Sierra Patch (1995)
(Added on 2024-08-04 12:07:02)

A patch for the following Macintosh Sierra On-Line Games: -Leisure Suit Larry I & V -Space Quest I & IV -King's Quest V & VI -Freddy Pharkas -The Castle of Doctor Brain This patch fixes a problem that caused the games to...

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