Found 36 software entries
from category: Vertical Scrolling
Reckless Drivin'
What is Descender? Descender is a shareware arcade game. If you've ever played Tetris before, you'll instantly recognize Descender's classic puzzle gameplay. However, unlike many Tetris clones, Descender features fluidly moving...
Burning Rubber
Drive like an unmitigated jackass, bashing, squashing and skidding over anything/everything for points. Lives are lost if your car drives off the road, or when you are apprehended by the police.
Foobar Versus the DEA
A top down scrolling shooter similar to Mars Rising and Demos Rising. You have a normal shot and bombs used to destroy enemies on land/in water.
Mars Rising
Mars Rising is a nice vertical shoot 'em up for Macintosh. It features color graphics, background music, nice sound effects and an overall very smooth gameplay. Ambrosia’s latest is a boffo space shooter. Basically, you shoot...
Deimos Rising
Deimos Rising is a computer game by Ambrosia Software, similar to many top-scrolling arcade shooters. The sequel to Mars Rising, it is available on Apple Macintosh and Windows platforms. It is similar to the scrolling arcade shooter, Xevious. The...
Bullet Ex
Bullet Ex is a vertical scrolling shooter made in Japan. Serial: KKKKKK
1 Star Ship
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「巨人戦機 GIANTS」体験版 高速縦スクロールシューティング 万能兵器「全方位レーザー」を使いこなせ! ※激辛シューティングです -...
PolyPolyX I wasn't sure if Porita / Grand Poly (ポリ太) was a usable tool without first making a game, so I made this in a hurry. How is it? Users' Guide Use the cursor keys or 10-key pad to move your ship around and...
Bullet v0.22b
Mission Volcanor
Mission Volcanor is a vertical shoot 'em up game and it was one of the 2003 uDevGame development contest entry. It was programmed using the TNT Basic language. Mission Volcanor's development has been abandoned a long time ago,...
FirePong 2
Varmintz Deluxe
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