Found 2 software entries in Games from category: Utilities

Diablo II

Diablo II (2000)
(Modified on 2023-12-08 08:17:22)

When Blizzard released the Mac version of Diablo in mid-1998, the move left Mac users in a state of conflict. While the game was brilliant, PC users had been playing it for more than a year. Blizzard has finally stopped treating Mac users like...


ZIP∞ (1994)
(Modified on 2023-05-06 11:30:14)

ZIP∞ is an Infocom Z-code interpreter. It supports Infocom V1 to V5 and V8 Infocom and Inform games. It has support for sound, multiple fonts, Beyond Zork graphics font, and the QUETZAL common save format.

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