Found 8 software entries in Games beginning with: "U" from category: Arcade

Utaan Attack

Utaan Attack (1987)
(Modified on 2022-12-18 13:23:19)

Utaan Attack is a B&W arcade game in which you have to defend your cities against invaders by aiming the mouse in the sky and pressing the mouse button to fire lasers.  Utaan Attack features very crude sound effects and cannot be quit...

Ultimate Aussie Maths Invaders

Ultimate Aussie Maths Invaders (2004)
(Added on 2020-02-25 04:52:07)

Ultimate Aussie Maths Invaders is an Australian educational game about mathematics, designed as a simple Space Invaders-style arcade shooter. You must type in and shoot the correct answers at a series of slowly-descending maths questions. Developed...


Ultratron (2005)
(Modified on 2023-06-17 23:55:56)

Experience the addictive gameplay of old-school arcade favourites, updated and improved for the 21st century! Unique retro-futuristic sound and graphics, player responsive difficulty, and a subtle system of tactics combined with classic...


Ultris (2000)
(Modified on 2023-12-09 09:08:45)

Ultris is a Tetris clone for the mac.  It is pretty much like any other Tetris game.  The goal is to get a high score.  You get points by clearing rows.  You also get five points for every piece dropped.  The more rows you...

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