Found 8 software entries
beginning with: "W"
from category: Flight Simulation
Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger
The war against the Kilrathi is going badly for the Confederation. Its flagship, the Concordia, has been destroyed, battles are lost on all fronts. War hero Colonel Christopher Blair is transferred to the old carrier Victory. Take the role of Blair...
Warbird 2.7 HiRes (!) Cockpits
WarBirds III: Fighter Pilot Academy
WarBirds III is a version of the venerable online flight simulation, WarBirds, winner "Online Game of the Year" by numerous publications over several years. WarBirds III (Fighter Pilot Academy) is a store ready version of...
World War II Skyfighters
WarBirds 2.75
WarBirds 2.77
Werewolf vs. Comanche 2
The sequel to NovaLogic's Comanche is actually two games in one: Werewolf and Comanche 2.0. Both are action-based helicopter sims very similar to the original Comanche. A notable difference is that in some missions you are allowed to...
WarBirds (Interactive Creations)
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