Found 7 software entries in Games beginning with: "U" from category: Educational

Ultimate Aussie Maths Invaders

Ultimate Aussie Maths Invaders (2004)
(Added on 2020-02-25 04:52:07)

Ultimate Aussie Maths Invaders is an Australian educational game about mathematics, designed as a simple Space Invaders-style arcade shooter. You must type in and shoot the correct answers at a series of slowly-descending maths questions. Developed...

Ultimate Writing & Creativity Center

Ultimate Writing & Creativity Center (1996)
(Modified on 2023-04-16 15:26:32)

Put your child on the path to becoming the next Ernest Hemingway (or if you want your young scribe to make gobs of money, Michael Crichton) with this lively writing program that encourages children to tap their artistic tendencies. At a loss for...

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