Found 18 software entries
beginning with: "T"
from category: World Builder
The Hotel Caper, or The Rescue of Daring Drake
The Hotel Caper was a point-and-click game released in 1987, made using the World Builder software.
The Canal District (Muddy Water)
Time Streak!!
The Doomsday Machine
The Haunted House (Steven Tenn)
TombWorld (demo)
Time Star (demo)
The Lost Skater
The object of the game is to get home. In order to do this, the player must find various objects and solve several puzzles. Plenty of monsters are around to make your task a bit harder.
The Ashland Revolution (demo)
In The Ashland Revolution, you are Rip Deappe, a somewhat less than satisfied student at Ashland High, your “place of study.” You have realized that some of the teachers there are a bit, shall we say, out of the ordinary....
The Axe-Orcist
The Axe-Orcist is a World Builder adventure game in which you play an axe-wielding demon hunter. It has a sequel, Jamie the Demon Slayer.
The Ashland revolution
The Ashland revolution plays like an hybrid between a HyperCard game and a text based RPG. It was made with World Builder. You can interact with doors and items by clicking on them with the mouse and there are even sound effects. ...
The Adventures of Steve Reeve
The Phoenix
The Journey
The Journey is a 1992 World Builder game created by Gökhan Ozar. Registration password 1: AT JOZRNY1MGJD Registration password 2: GO GEDTHN2ADVNT VFSNA
The Village
Time Bomb
The Time Squisher
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