Found 11 software entries
beginning with: "T"
from category: Card & Casino
The Simpsons Slots
Year: 1996
(Modified on 2023-04-17 21:54:08)
Talking Solitaire
Year: 1986
(Added on 2018-01-29 11:44:56)
Talking Solitaire is a simple Solitaire card game with the exceptional fact that the game can talk to you when you click the little light bulb icon to give you a clue if you're stuck. This was kind of advanced back in the mid...
Trump Castle II
Year: 1992
(Modified on 2023-05-01 15:20:00)
The Classic 5
Year: 1996
(Added on 2014-04-14 22:55:39)
Texas Hold 'Em Poker
Year: 2004
(Modified on 2021-12-10 11:05:51)
Year: 1995
(Modified on 2022-04-07 12:00:44)
The Hillbilly Gold Rush
Year: 1995
(Modified on 2021-12-15 13:18:08)
Year: 2001
(Modified on 2022-12-18 13:17:26)
Year: 1993
(Modified on 2023-12-17 17:03:43)
*FREE* full color teknaSlots. Excellent sounds and graphics. Bet up to $100, Payoffs are big! Very tough to beat.
The Amazing Garfield
Year: 2001
(Modified on 2023-12-18 08:52:30)
The Game of Hearts
Year: 1984
(Modified on 2023-12-18 08:07:02)
11 record(s)
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