Found 9 software entries in Games beginning with: "T" from category: Full Motion Video (FMV)

The X-Files Game

The X-Files Game (1998)
(Modified on 2023-12-08 12:05:32)

Reports of the death of full-motion video games have been greatly exaggerated. Recently eulogized as a relic of pre-3D days, FMV games play out in pre-recorded video segments featuring live actors. Most FMV games were deservedly maligned as too...

The Magic Death

The Magic Death (1993)
(Modified on 2023-09-18 09:40:28)

A beautiful young woman named Elspeth Haskard has been murdered in her own apartment. A dead chicken, smeared blood in a crucifixion pattern on the body, a religious symbol drawn on floor, and many voodoo paraphernalia have been found in the crime...

Train Simulator: Chūō-sen (201-kei)

Train Simulator: Chūō-sen (201-kei) (1995)
(Modified on 2024-02-14 07:48:13)

The first train simulation game that Ongakukan ever developed and produced. It later became a hit in popularity and being it was the first train simulator game to use real video footage, they continue to release more sequels which created the series...

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