Found 24 software entries
beginning with: "T"
from category: Interactive Fiction
Trinity (Infocom)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The bulldozer is coming, and so is the end of the world, hut with that hangover you hardly care. If you manage to survive the hangover, you discover that your house is about to be demolished to make way for a highway And as if that weren't...
The Mystery Collection - Infocom Interactive Fiction
The Hotel Caper, or The Rescue of Daring Drake
The Hotel Caper was a point-and-click game released in 1987, made using the World Builder software.
The Lost Treasures of Infocom I + II
Images of discs with dual DOS+Mac ISO images
The Sci-Fi Collection - Infocom Interactive Fiction
The Adventure Collection - Infocom Interactive Fiction
Time Streak!!
The Crimson Crown
This game is the sequel to Transylvania.
The Journey
The Journey is a 1992 World Builder game created by Gökhan Ozar. Registration password 1: AT JOZRNY1MGJD Registration password 2: GO GEDTHN2ADVNT VFSNA
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Unnkulian Unventures
The Tao of Pooh - The Te of Piglet
Twilight's Ransom
The Fantasy Collection - Infocom Interactive Fiction
The Doomsday Machine
The Classic 12: Scott Adams' Adventures
The Haunted House (Steven Tenn)
TombWorld (demo)
Time Star (demo)
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