Found 11 software entries in Games beginning with: "R" from category: Racing


Ruckus (1995)
(Modified on 2023-12-07 20:46:49)

Ruckus pits the player against the 'evil drug barons' across 22 levels of strategic planning and quick reactions. Command vehicles around and call in for mercenaries, weapons and equipment with the aim of rescuing all the hostages, burning...

Race Car Simulator

Race Car Simulator (1986)
(Modified on 2017-11-28 12:39:06)

This is probably the first 3D racing game for the Macintosh back in 1984.  You play with the mouse, turning your wheel is done by aiming at the gradient stripe at the bottom of the screen and pushing the mouse button down emulates the gas...

Racing Days R

Racing Days R (1997)
(Modified on 2024-08-24 17:25:43)

Mac auto-racing nuts have had a tough time lately. Sierra’s NASCAR and Indy Car Racing were the last games to offer a true racing fix. (Aspyre Media’s Carmageddon is more of a smash-up derby than a race.) Well, dust off those old gloves...

Real Racing 2

Real Racing 2 (2011)
(Modified on 2023-06-24 18:22:51)

Real Racing 2 expands the racing grid of its predecessor, with a new range of cars and tracks and a multitude of new options. 16 cars line up on the starting grid, with 30 fully licensed rides available such as the McLaren F1, Nissan...

Road Rush

Road Rush (2006)
(Modified on 2024-08-03 15:49:15)

Road Rush is a world of animated cars rushing in all directions at top speed. You are to choose your hero-one of the four-wheeled fellows–and overcome a variety of roads with the only goal–to reach the legendary Anarchy City. On your way...

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