Found 5 software entries
beginning with: "R"
from category: Role Playing Game (RPG)
You can solve Rogue three dozen times and still never play the same game twice. That’s because the attributes of each treasure, such as a pink potion or a wooden staff, change every time you play — as does the map of each dungeon level....
Extensible turn based RPG with several add-on quests and level designer. To register the game, check the text file in the downloads. Divinity CD.sit is the recommended download. It contains Realmz 7.1.2, The character editor for 7.1.2 (works for...
Robinson's Requiem
Rogue (Semicolon Software)
A simple port of Rogue to the Macintosh. Based on Rogue 5.3.
RPG Demo v2
This is a "proof-of-concept" project I started back in early March of this year. I wanted to see how difficult it would be to create a dungeon-crawler-esque RPG entirely in HyperCard. This project is ever-evolving, and what I've...
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