Found 10 software entries in Games beginning with: "O" from category: Board Game


On-The-Contrary (1984)
(Modified on 2023-05-01 20:34:46)

On-The-Contrary is one of the first games on Macintosh and certainly the first of the memory genre on Mac, dating back to May 25th, 1984, only 4 months after the very first Macintosh was released.  In the game On-the-Contrary, each player (up...


Othello (1985)
(Modified on 2017-11-20 10:57:10)

Original Othello game for very early Macintosh computers. An interesting feature is that you could toggle the verbose mode and you could see the computer AI thinking/analyzing and trying moves.  

On-The-Contrary II

On-The-Contrary II (2001)
(Modified on 2016-02-20 10:32:44)

On The Contrary is a puzzle point and click game from 1984 in which you have to open doors by clicking on them and match pairs of objects to accumulate money (score) while avoiding the bandit which, if found without the matching detective in a turn,...

Onyx (Franklin Veaux)

Onyx (Franklin Veaux) (1998)
(Modified on 2024-01-14 21:58:09)

Onyx is a game of sexual exploration designed for two to six consenting adults. Players are asked to perform all kinds of intimate actions, from mild to kinky. As the game progresses, so does the action! Play with people you are intimate with--or...

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