Found 58 software entries in Games beginning with: "T" from category: Arcade


TheZone (1994)
(Modified on 2022-12-18 14:49:14)

TheZone is a top down space shooter where its you against everything. Each 'Zone' has a number of motherbases which it is your job to destroy. Guarded by plenty of nasties, this game gets quite challanging. Power-ups and special weapons keep...

Tempest 2000

Tempest 2000 (1996)
(Modified on 2023-12-08 13:01:25)

A remake (originally for the Atari Jaguar) of the classic 1981 Atari arcade game by Dave Theurer. "Tempest 2000 is a remake/upgrade of the popular Atari vector graphics-based shooter. Blast your way through over 100+ levels, shooting the...

Temple Tantrum

Temple Tantrum (2001)
(Modified on 2023-12-08 13:01:26)

Temple Tantrum is an adventure puzzle game which puts you in the shoesof an explorer, searching for the 'Phoenix Eye' and other riches across numerous danger filled stages. Registration code: Name: Any that you choose Serial...


Triple-A (1995)
(Modified on 2018-04-02 08:32:03)

Triple-A is an arcade game in which you control a tank and have to shoot at parachuters that fall from the sky and come to destroy you.


ThinkTanks (2003)
(Modified on 2023-09-25 21:36:47)

3D shootout combat arena, fluid graphics can scale up to high definition, deep music such as the entry level's aboriginal "Outback". Offline and Online play, one or more players - great when two people share one player where one drives...

Touch Fly

Touch Fly (2011)
(Modified on 2023-07-09 14:54:40)

The game puts you in control of a bunny that apparently got into a race with a turtle. The turtle cheated, used a jetpack and got away, and you should chase it. The turtle left behind little turtles that will hurt you, if you run into them, so you...

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