Found 9 software entries
beginning with: "T"
from category: Typing
The Typing Of The Dead: Zombie Da! Typing Lariat for Mac
An update of "The Typing of the Dead" released on Windows and Mac in 2005. Japanese text on cover: ゾンビ打タイピングラリアット はじめまして、マックのみなさん タイピングマスターソフト
Typing Intrigue
A typing course that can track up to six learners. The program provides constant updates on speed, accuracy, and problem keys, allowing users to determine which areas need work and to concentrate on exercises geared toward those areas. Typing...
Typing INSTRUCTOR Encore
Typing Tutor III
An advanced touch-typing instruction program that can be adapted to an individual's typing skills and learning needs. The program updates lessons in response to your progress throughout the course. An image of the keyboard appears on the screen...
Typing Fighter II
Typing Tutor 5+
Typing Tutor 7
Typing Tutor IV
Typing Tutor 6
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