Found 79 software entries in Games from category: Children, Kids

Barbie as the Princess Bride

Barbie as the Princess Bride (2000)
(Modified on 2024-08-19 16:43:24)

Barbie as Princess Bride introduces the player to a young Princess Barbie and her childhood friend, Prince Ken. The 2 grow up close together, fully intending to wed the day they come of age. One day, Prince Ken is called out to sea on a long...

Puzzle Castle

Puzzle Castle (1996)
(Added on 2018-02-21 21:38:29)

Obscure edutainment game released in 1996 by Segasoft under their Trampoline name, and was developed by Media Station (of Disney Interactive fame) Based on the Usborne book.

Rockett's Camp Adventures

Rockett's Camp Adventures (1999)
(Modified on 2024-07-28 11:34:55)

My inner child is squeeling! Rockett's Camp Adventures includes a main character named Rockett Navaro and her personal summer camp experience. Much of the game is actually an animated storybook, allowing us as players to choose with pathway...

Big Thinkers 1st Grade

Big Thinkers 1st Grade (1999)
(Modified on 2023-04-23 16:30:41)

Ben and Becky Brightly, the Wonder Twins of education, stretch, shrink, morph, and mold themselves into a full house of brain-building games. Each game literally comes alive as the malleable twins shape-shift into action. Kids earn smart stars for...

Snootz Math Trek

Snootz Math Trek (1995)
(Modified on 2019-07-20 16:46:54)

Snootz Math Trek's description from Snootz Math Trek consists of five activities tied loosely together by a story. Flarn and Floozle, two young residents of planet Snootz have been...

Logical Journey of the Zoombinis

Logical Journey of the Zoombinis (1996)
(Modified on 2023-06-24 16:12:11)

An educational game, teaching logical skills such as, deduction, quantitative reasoning, etc., published and developed by Broderbund in 1996. Players lead groups of 16 Zoombinis through 12 different puzzles on their quest to escape servitude and...

Backyard Soccer

Backyard Soccer (1998)
(Modified on 2023-05-09 12:45:26)

Backyard Soccer is a sports game developed by Humongous Entertainment and published by Infogrames for the Windows and Macintosh operating systems in 1998. It is the second game in the Backyard Sports series and the first in...

Midt i Planeten 1.5

Midt i Planeten 1.5 (1994)
(Modified on 2021-01-13 11:06:49)

Norwegian Point and Click game, "An educational game about the solar system". Features the alien Gorx, a reccuring character for this developer. Language is Norwegian. Copied from hard drive, very little information about...

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