Found 3 software entries
from category: First Person Adventure (FPA)
The Simpsons: Virtual Springfield
Virtual Springfield is a first-person adventure game that allows players to explore a 3D simulation of Springfield, the fictional town featured in the animated television series The Simpsons and the home...
Rockett's Camp Adventures
My inner child is squeeling! Rockett's Camp Adventures includes a main character named Rockett Navaro and her personal summer camp experience. Much of the game is actually an animated storybook, allowing us as players to choose with pathway...
På Ekspedition i Bibelen
Edutainment, fra 10 år. På ni rejser i Bibelens verden træder man ind i Bibelens landskaber og byer, møder omkring 50 karakterer fra Bibelen og lytter til dem fortælle deres historier. Hver rejse indeholder nogle...
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