Found 4 software entries
beginning with: "O"
from category: Creative
Orly's Draw-A-Story
Jamaican-born Orly has a gift for gab that she puts to good work as she and her faithful frog, Lancelot, tell tales for kids to illustrate. Orly spins the stories but takes occasional breaks, when kids can doodle and dabble with a full array of...
Oscar's Creative Workshop
Once Upon a Time 3.0
Once Upon a Time 3.0 is a book creation application for kids. It comes with sprites that you can drag and drop, enlarge, shrink, flip horizontally, colorize (16 colors available) and 11 pre-defined colored scene backgrounds to choose...
Opening Night
Write, design, and act out your own dramatic works with Opening Night! Featuring dozens of characters, voices, settings and props, you can script and watch your very own stage presentation in just a few clicks. via...
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