Found 3 software entries
beginning with: "P"
from category: Fantasy + Interactive Fiction
Plundered Hearts
Passion...untamed and surging, laying bare the thrilling boundaries of desire! Intrigue...from the glittering ballrooms of London to the beckoning sensual in'of the West Indies! Unspeakable perils, cruel betrayal and sweet, savage love! Now, for...
Planetfall leaves users shipwrecked on a seemingly deserted planet, with only Floyd the Droid to help figure out how to get home. Two possible endings. This full-text game is written in a tongue-in-cheek style. Unknown Author. (December 1985)....
Plates Are People Too
Ever wonder what the dishes and plates do after dark? 'Plates Are People Too' is a tale about a fictional town called "Platesville" - where all the different types of plates live together in harmony. ‘Barry Baking...
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