Found 3 software entries
beginning with: "K"
from category: Game Compilations
Kids Arcade Pak
Get your young kids hooked on video games at an early age with MacSoft’s hodgepodge of five fun arcade games. MacMan Kid (sounds like PacMan... looks like PacMan... ), Garlic Press Pinball, PegLeg for Kids, Gumballs, and Diamonds for Kids'...
Klik & Play Game Collection II
A collection of the best Japanese games that were selected by Fujitsu for their Klik & Play game contest. Includes: 47 hybrid games 7 Windows-only 5 Mac only. The 1st collection was for Windows only.
Kid Pack 2 Deluxe
Contains 5 fun learning games for children 3 to 10. Children will learn math skills, letters and spelling, map skills and money skills.
To date, Macintosh Repository served 3148441 old Mac files, totaling more than 632055.8GB!
Downloads last 24h = 1441 : 288922.9MB
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