Found 12 software entries
beginning with: "K"
from category: Puzzle
Kye is a real-time puzzle game with a variety of interacting objects. It takes ideas from puzzle games like Sokoban and Boulder Dash, but the inclusion of active objects gives it a real-time component, and it can also produce arcade-game levels like...
King of Parking
A rather low-key title considering it was published by Fantasoft; King of Parking tasks the player with getting a red car out of a car park where no-one knows how to three point turn. Clicking on the front and back of the cars will move them around...
Knight (puzzle)
Knight is a simple puzzle game where a totally empty chessboard is presented to you and you must place 1 knight piece and move it legally (in "L" shape) on every single chessboard square without ever going back to an already visited...
In this dominoes-like game, "kubes" must be placed such that all neighboring sides match in color. You can play against the clock, another person, or three levels of computer intelligence. Tip: The c and w keys can...
Kognix is a puzzle game in which you click and drag rows and columns by 1 square unit at a time. The goal is to have all the balls on a yellow square. Since you can only move rows/columns squares all at once, you have to plan your moves...
Kiss 'n' Kill
An action-puzzle game where you must safely guide marbles across tracks.
Kaged: The Magic Orbs
Kids' WB! Jigsaw Puzzle
Oh no! This is supposed to be a pretty picture of the Warner Bros. Studio lot where all your favorite characters live. But it is all out of order! Help restore order to the Warner Bros. Studio lot by placing the pieces in their proper and exact...
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