Found 66 software entries in Games beginning with: "L" from category: Educational

Logical Journey of the Zoombinis

Logical Journey of the Zoombinis (1996)
(Modified on 2023-06-24 16:12:11)

An educational game, teaching logical skills such as, deduction, quantitative reasoning, etc., published and developed by Broderbund in 1996. Players lead groups of 16 Zoombinis through 12 different puzzles on their quest to escape servitude and...

Lego Star Wars

Lego Star Wars (2005)
(Modified on 2022-12-18 14:59:38)

Lego Star Wars combine the mythology, characters and scenery of the legendary Star Wars movies with the popular building block toy. You can play through the entire story of Star Wars Episodes I, II and III using Lego toys. (Macworld) Info:...

Let's Explore the Airport with Buzzy

Let's Explore the Airport with Buzzy (1995)
(Modified on 2023-10-17 22:52:09)

The Airport allows kids 3-8 (or any age) to explore a modern airport, with their guide Buzzy The Knowledge Bug. Kids can visit over 40 location, from hangers, to control towers, to cockpits. Items in each location can be clicked on for either...

La Máquina de Hacer Tareas

La Máquina de Hacer Tareas (1998)
(Modified on 2023-06-25 12:25:01)

La máquina de hacer tareas  (The Homework Machine) was an educational package from Chile aimed at children. In this way they could learn about all kinds of things such as the planets, human bodies and mammals in a...

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