Found 14 software entries in Games beginning with: "L" from category: Text + Illustrations


Legacy (1984)
(Modified on 2023-09-04 15:12:30)

Legacy is a text/graphic adventure on two disks (Parts One and Two). A magical orb in Drab Castle must be found through the use of spells and careful adventuring. Well-constructed game and fun to play. Two disks needed for ever-present...

La Máquina de Hacer Tareas II

La Máquina de Hacer Tareas II (2001)
(Modified on 2023-06-25 11:57:03)

La Máquina de Hacer Tareas  (The Homework Machine) was an educational package from Chile aimed at children. In this way they could learn about all kinds of things such as machines, bodies, nature and history in a playful...

La Máquina de Hacer Tareas

La Máquina de Hacer Tareas (1998)
(Modified on 2023-06-25 12:25:01)

La máquina de hacer tareas  (The Homework Machine) was an educational package from Chile aimed at children. In this way they could learn about all kinds of things such as the planets, human bodies and mammals in a...

Louis Street Adventure

Louis Street Adventure (2001)
(Modified on 2023-07-12 12:19:24)

You must find your way through the exciting maze of Louis Street, where you can find valuable hidden objects, meet various characters and challenges, and are presented with certain tasks that you must complete to win the game. You go to a yard sale...

Labyrinth of Destiny

Labyrinth of Destiny (1991)
(Modified on 2023-12-15 23:48:43)

In Labyrinth of Destiny, you become the "Warrior" (pretty original, aren't I?) As this brave fighter you must enter the Castle of Labyrinths and fulfil your destiny. What is your destiny, you ask? It's all so simple really. All you...

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