Found 2 software entries in Games beginning with: "D" from category: Shooter

DeepTrouble 2

DeepTrouble 2 (2005)
(Modified on 2023-06-22 08:05:35)

The year is 2268. After a slow recovery of ecological disasters and alien invasions of Earth the human race is exploring the galaxy to expand their living space. The player has been sent to investigate planet Gunsar436, but suddenly all contact...


DeepTrouble (2003)
(Modified on 2023-12-08 10:53:46)

DeepTrouble is a fast paced 3D action game taking place under water where you fight alien colonies. Most of earth is covered with water after the polar ices melted. The water is now becoming contaminated with an unknown pollutant. A team in an...

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