Found 3 software entries in Games beginning with: "B" from category: Multiplayer

Byte Me!

Byte Me! (1999)
(Modified on 2018-03-21 05:40:57)

Byte Me! was a fun game with colourful, nicely animated OpenGL graphics. Cute sounds completed the first impression, where you could run your own music (that you've just downloaded from Napster) in the background. The...

Bub & Bob

Bub & Bob (1997)
(Modified on 2022-12-18 15:11:38)

Bub and Bob is obviously a remake of Bubble Bobble, and a pretty good one. You control a little dinosaur in a small level, and shoot bubbles at enemies to trap them. Enemies in bubbles will fly following air currents, and will...


Ballistics (1987)
(Modified on 2023-06-06 22:07:47)

Ballistics is a tiny B&W game classic where you and a friend each have a tank positioned on each side of a randomly generated terrain.  Each turn you set your aim direction, velocity by taking a look at the current random wind factor and...

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