Found 62 software entries in Games beginning with: "A" from category: Educational

Autos bauen mit Willy Werkel

Autos bauen mit Willy Werkel (1998)
(Modified on 2024-02-17 13:00:37)

Bau dir dein Traumauto mit Willy Werkel! Willy Werkel hebt alles auf, was andere wegwerfen. Und aus den vielen Dingen, die auf seinem Schrotthaufen landen, kann der Spieler mit Willys tatkräftiger Unterstützung die verrücktesten...

Albert's House

Albert's House (1988)
(Modified on 2024-01-12 19:51:03)

Albert's House is a 1988 short black and white childrens game designed to teach children common house hold objects, phrases and acts as an introduction into the world of computers. The game features several modes to play....

Artus contre le Démon du Musée

Artus contre le Démon du Musée (2000)
(Modified on 2023-09-07 18:46:53)

Artus, an infant mouse, lives with his parents in the den of a museum. For decades, his family has inherited a heavy task: they are the guardians of the museum and watch over the paintings on display. One stormy night while the parents are absent,...

Amazon Trail: 3rd Edition

Amazon Trail: 3rd Edition (1999)
(Modified on 2023-12-16 12:35:29)

Amazon Trail 3rd Edition is an educational quest up the Amazon river. The game begins in a museum where an Amazon artifact bearing the likeness of a jaguar comes to life and speaks to you. The jaguar implores you to explore the Amazon, learn...

Arthur's Computer Adventure

Arthur's Computer Adventure (1997)
(Modified on 2023-12-21 04:11:46)

Arthur's Computer Adventure is a Living Books educational game based on the book Arthur's Computer Disaster by Marc Brown. The book's plot is that Arthur has been playing his new computer game, Deep Dark Sea, a lot....

Agypten entdecken mit Playmobil

Agypten entdecken mit Playmobil (2008)
(Modified on 2023-06-23 19:58:00)

Playmobil presents a CD full of fun and knowledge about the old egypt. Do the following things: Play an old egyptian game Write your name in hieroglyphics Read the Playmobil magazine "Grosses Wissen über die Ägypter"...

Additional Subtraction

Additional Subtraction (1984)
(Modified on 2018-03-30 04:43:55)

Additional Subtraction is an educational game in which you're presented a series of mathematical questions and you simply have to click the corresponding answer at the bottom of the screen.  You can choose between additions, subtractions or...

Ace Detective

Ace Detective (1996)
(Modified on 2023-12-07 21:45:32)

Ace Detective™  is a crime-solving simulation. Players examine each suspect for Motive, Opportunity and Means, and then place the evidence into the computer notepad.  When the player has gathered all the evidence, he or she goes...

Atout Clic CM2 1.5

Atout Clic CM2 1.5 (1997)
(Added on 2021-01-19 10:27:33)

An education software that covers the 5th grade program. One of the most interesting features of this soft is the part where you can explore a 3D city. Logiciel éducatif couvrant le programme de CM2. L'un des attraits principaux de ce...

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