Found 20 software entries in Games beginning with: "S" from category: Text based


Stationfall (1987)
(Modified on 2024-03-30 18:39:27)

Stationfall is a text adventure game and a sequel to Planetfall, featuring the same protagonist who has been promoted from Ensign Seventh Class to Lieutenant First Class. However, the current work in the Stellar Patrol seems to be less...


Suspended (1984)
(Modified on 2023-09-04 15:39:16)

Suspended is Infocom's most unique text game. Using a small plastic board and six markers, the player keeps track of six uniquely designed robots which check on damage to a complex's machinery and report back what they perceive as the...

Sword of Siegfried

Sword of Siegfried (1987)
(Modified on 2023-12-15 23:02:58)

Sword of Siegfried is an interactive World Builder text based adventure game, accompanied by crude B&W visual graphics.  Sword of Siegfried is an educational adventure game based on Wagner's Ring des Nibelungen.

Strange Hotel

Strange Hotel (1987)
(Modified on 2018-03-01 10:43:49)

Strange Hotel 5.0 is a text based adventure game in which you explore and get out of an hotel. IMPORTANT: All text commands must be input as CAPITAL LETTERS or the game will ignore them!  

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