Found 3 software entries in Games beginning with: "S" from category: Visual novel


Sinkha (1995)
(Modified on 2023-06-26 09:33:50)

Sinkha (aka Sinkha 0: First Encounter) tells the story of Hyleyn, a bold girl who lives in the mysterious city of Thalissar. This gigantic and gloomy agglomeration of howling metal, located on the hostile planet Ogon, proves to be of great...

Silver Moon

Silver Moon (1999)
(Modified on 2023-12-06 13:46:05)

Our protagonist grows up in Geo, a facility that gives special education for gifted children. He rejects life as an elite and instead lives a normal college life. Suddenly, he's confronted with a woman called V.A. who informs him about his...

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