Found 18 software entries in Games from category: Beta


Stereodrome (1994)
(Modified on 2023-07-16 13:02:24)

Stereodrome is an unfinished game by john calhoun, designed for use with anaglyph 3D glasses. It's a spiritual sequel to Stella Obscura, his experiment in monochrome stereoscopy. As a spaceship's turret gunner, you're responsible...

Super Kids

Super Kids (2000)
(Modified on 2021-02-05 05:53:19)

An unreleased/unfinished game from GokiBuri (formerly Monkey Farm Software). It's a one or two player horizontal scrolling shooter. Despite being unreleased, it is very polished.

Gobbledygooks! (Beta Demo)

Gobbledygooks! (Beta Demo) (1999)
(Modified on 2023-06-28 10:46:13)

"Gobbledygooks is a single player puzzle game where you determine whether a bunch of silly, furry creatures called Gobbledygooks will live or die. Though they're not lemmings, it seems as though they're going to die. But how can I help,...

Chicken Head

Chicken Head (2000)
(Modified on 2017-07-11 10:55:28)

An unreleased/unfinished game from Monkey Farm Software. From the author: "It was the precursor to Agent QT Pie. I was just testing the level editor and platform mechanics."

stack-attack (test version 2)

stack-attack (test version 2) (2005)
(Modified on 2023-06-20 18:55:58)

The game was developed by The Caffeine Kid, who posted about the release for Windows on the YakYak forum on the 2nd of October, 2005, remarking that "I've never been on acid to be honest but [playing] this [game] is...

Darwin Umpire

Darwin Umpire (1987)
(Added on 2017-04-16 10:30:19)

Darwin is a life simulator type of game.  Altough it is in B&W, it features pattern filled rectangles to account for up to 8 different "species" competing to survive in the arena.  


Soldiers (2001)
(Added on 2018-01-29 11:33:25)

Soldiers is an unfinished version of a freeware game. There probably will not be any major changes, since the idea is that the game will be easy to modify. You can change/add graphics, levels, objects, effects, sounds, enemies and lots more....


MacNFL (1987)
(Added on 2017-10-29 16:46:00)

MacNFL is a very early development release of what could have become a Football management game for early 1980's Macs.  To my knowledge, this software was never finished.  


MacD&D (1987)
(Added on 2017-10-26 14:13:03)

MacD&D is a non-finished beta game utility that accompanied some 1980's IRL Dungeons & Dragons gameplay by letting them input, display and print various stats sheets for their heroes such as character stats and battle stats. ...

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