Found 11 software entries
beginning with: "S"
from category: Space
Solarian II
Solarian II is a timeless mouse controlled 'space shooter' game, and one of the first in the platform to have color! The developer Ben Haller has an active site:
Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter
Space Quest 1 is an adventure game with a text-based interface in which you are stranded in space after an alien attack, and you must figure out how to survive it. The game can be quite difficult at times, and failing to pick up an object at the...
Super Wing Commander
PC-based Wing Commander (1) and the first of two secret mission campaigns, plus an adapted second campaign. Enhanced graphics adapted from Wing Commander Academy along with full voice acting make this superior even to Wing Commander II on the PC....
Star Trek Plus 2.1
Star Trek Plus 2.1 is an adventure game for very early Macs.
Space Freaks
Prevent a horde of 'Space Freaks' from progressing from the top, to the bottom of the screen. This can be achieved through either shooting them with the side mounted guns (up to three), or colliding into them.
Surrender! is a simple two player network game. played on a 10 by 10 grid. This grid has 4 planets a black hole and each players military forces (a star base and a number of star ships). Win through destroying the other players star base or all...
Space Joust
A simple one or two player space shooting game - two spaceships, each able to fire simple missiles face off against a space backdrop. Fun, quick, classic! See also for single player: Maelstrom
StarShip Mac is a Star Trek space domination fan game for early B&W Macs.
Stellar Imperium
Stellar Imperium is a WIP spaceship simulation game in which you explore space and battle with ennemies. The object of the game is to amass enough proficiency points to advance to the next level.
Space Deubza
Shoot invaders, collect points! Space Deubza is a fun, albeit fast and tricky space invaders clone, with a Moose. Featuring a few power-ups and a multiplier mechanic, the game could potentially have a lot of re-playability... if a registration...
Spaceward Ho! 3.0.1
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