Found 5 software entries in Games beginning with: "S" from category: Flight Simulation

Super Wing Commander

Super Wing Commander (1995)
(Modified on 2024-03-28 19:21:29)

PC-based Wing Commander (1) and the first of two secret mission campaigns, plus an adapted second campaign. Enhanced graphics adapted from Wing Commander Academy along with full voice acting make this superior even to Wing Commander II on the PC....

Skyfighters 1945

Skyfighters 1945 (2000)
(Modified on 2024-09-11 16:10:31)

SkyFighters 1945 puts you in the cockpit of a World War II-era fighter plane and sends you off to do battle in the skies over Europe or the South Pacific. You can embark on any of 30 missions, each with unique objectives, diverse topographies, and...


Skyfox (1986)
(Modified on 2024-08-01 18:23:28)

Skyfox is a classic B&W war plane simulator game ported to Macintosh by Dynamix in 1986. Arcade game fanatics, listen up: have you been waiting for a full screen, full speed, bang-em-up. blow-'em-up destruction game? Well, strap...


ShatterBat (1996)
(Modified on 2023-12-07 20:03:31)

A six-axis FPS where the aim is to shatter all the bats before the time runs out, while avoiding Mister Bob. Includes a preview of the cancelled game, Sanctity.


S.D.I. (1988)
(Modified on 2024-08-02 11:32:15)

A science-fiction adventure that takes you SDI is a into orbit some  30 years into the future.You're Sloan McCormick,commander of the  American SDI force,about to confront KGB-led revolutionaries bent  on starting -- and...

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