Found 18 software entries in Games beginning with: "G" from category: Board Game


Gateway (1985)
(Modified on 2023-02-02 16:59:57)

This illustrated text adventure came casts the player as sole heir to an eccentric uncle's entire estate-which consists, for the most part, of a broken-down storefront, some useless antiques, and a mysterious journal hinting at a gateway to...

Game of the Winds 1.0

Game of the Winds 1.0 (1996)
(Added on 2023-04-20 07:25:53)

Game of the Winds is a board game which is also known as Mahjongg.  However, Game of the Winds is not identical to the ancient chinese board game Mahjongg. When you start Game of the Winds, 144 tiles are arranged on the board  in...


GameMaster (1991)
(Modified on 2022-12-18 13:21:34)

GameMaster is a games hub application for early B&W Mac OS that contains all these module games: Battleships Chess Connect 4 DerfBall Dots & Boxes File Transfer Global Thermonuclear War Othello Simple...

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