Found 7 software entries
beginning with: "G"
from category: Side Scrolling
Glider PRO
Glider 4.0
Ride updrafts and avoid obstacles in this anti-platformer, where the purpose of the game is to keep your paper airplane aloft at all times. Touching the floor and running into things will end your flight - show you can navigate the maze of hazards...
Glider 2.02
Glider 2.0 was John Calhoun's second edition of Glider, the classic Macintosh paper plane action game. The complete source code for Glider 2.0 was available to Pascal programmers.
Glider 3.12
An earlier version of the classic Mac game. Plays quite different to the colour sequels.
Glider PRO v1.1.2 + User-made scenarios collection
Glider PRO v1.1.2 installed CD copy, with an included very large user-made scenarios collection. Sourced from the Internet Archive and archived here for additional safe-keeping. The archive has the title: "Glider PRO Mega Archive" on...
Good People
Glatorian Arena
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