Found 10 software entries
beginning with: "G"
from category: Role Playing Game (RPG)
Geneforge v1.0.1
The Shapers are the most powerful of the magical guilds, and you have recently been accepted as an apprentice. With training you will be able to create creatures that will serve you unquestioningly. This is the power of the Shapers, and with study...
GayBlade is an action role-playing video game developed by Ryan Best and released in 1992. It has been thought to be the earliest LGBT-themed video game, but was preceded by 1989's Caper in the Castro. In...
Gorky 17 (aka Odium)
Gang Wars
Galactic Invasion
Galactic Invasion is a turn based RPG space adventure game in which you defend against other spaceships while exploring the surrounding galaxies.
Geneforge 5: Overthrow
Geneforge 1 – Mutagen
Geneforge 2
Geneforge 3
Geneforge 4: Rebellion
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